Image by Kyle Lincoln
Walk Bike Nashville is working to build a more walkable, bikeable, and livable Nashville. We advocate for better infrastructure and transportation policy by working with people to build community and neighborhood support. Together with our partners, we work with elected officials to enact policy changes and with the Metro Nashville government to guide best practices in implementation.
We make an effort to write about our advocacy work on our blog, so always check there for more detailed updates and more information. For a complete overview of our goals as an organization, be sure to take a look at our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan which includes our 2020-2022 Anti-Racism Plan.
Walk Bike Nashville's 2021 citywide priorities are:
Achieve Vision Zero for Nashville
- Metro Nashville government is undertaking a Vision Zero Action Planning Process. Walk Bike Nashville is working to ensure community members are involved in the process so that participation is representative of Nashville and that the resulting Action Plan is inline with best practices from Vision Zero cities across the country and across the world.
- Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy and equitable mobility.
- Mayor Cooper announced a vision zero goal for Nashville at our Day of Remembrance event in January 2020.
- Fix the Impossible Crossings and reduce pedestrian fatalities by creating safer crosswalks throughout the city.
- Nashville should fix the most dangerous corridors for pedestrians first. In 2021, we are focused on working with community members along Murfreesboro Pike and Dickerson Pike to envision safety improvements.
- Through our Vision Zero Speaker Series we are working to educate Nashville's traffic engineering professionals and local neighborhood experts about best practices in arterial street design.
Lower Speed Limits
- Mayor Cooper announced his intent to lower the speed limit to 25 mph on residential streets in early 2020. We worked to make this change happen for years and are working with the Mayor's Office and Metro Public Works to support the implementation of this change in 2021.
Support Families for Safe Streets
- For the families and friends who have lost a loved one in a crash or been injured, we have a Families for Safe Street chapter in Nashville, where we provide resources on grief and opportunities for advocacy.
Ensure Adequate Public Funding for Biking, Walking and Transit
- Advocate for funding for expanded transportation staff capacity and for capital sidewalk, bikeways and traffic calming projects.
- Ensure equitable funding for pedestrian infrastructure, vision zero/safety and public transit in Metro Nashville's budget.
Build the Core Bike Lane Network
- Metro Nashville's 2017 WalknBike Plan outlined the routes for a network of bike lanes that would be separated and protected from traffic and take us in and through downtown Nashville from the North, South, East and West. We work to educate elected officials and the general public about the importance of these Easy Ride Routes.
Meet us at the Advocacy Corner
- We hold a monthly meeting all about advocacy, we call it the "Advocacy Corner." At this meeting, you'll hear updates on all of our advocacy work and learn how you can plug in and contribute. Register to join the meeting via Zoom or watch the livestream through our Facebook.
Changes like lowering speed limits on residential streets and the declaration of a vision zero goal for Nashville, don't just happen. It takes thoughtful strategy and carefully planned tactics to change public policy. Our advocacy program is funded directly by our members. This critical work would not happen without the support of our members. Join or renew today.
Past Initiatives
- Core Bike Lane Campaign
- 2019 Voter Guide
- Don't Block My Walk
- WalknBike Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways
- Sidewalk Development Bill 493
- 51st Avenue Bike Lanes
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