Our work could not be possible without the generous aid of our sponsors. We actively use these funds to work toward our mission of a more walkable, bikeable, and livable city through education, engagement, and advocacy. We have a vision for Nashville that consists of a better, thriving culture of walking and biking. This is achieved through a comprehensive and safe network of sidewalks, bikeways, and transit routes.
Join us today and help fund some of our most important community projects and events such as Walk to School Day, Tour de Nash, and Open Streets. We have a number of avenues to promote your brand. From our event promotional materials such as t-shirts, mailers, and posters, to our digital marketing campaigns that include an 8,000+ email list and over 18,000 followers across social media platforms. Sponsors also enjoy free entry to our annual membership party, free Tour de Nash tickets, and a number of advertising and networking opportunities!
Thank you to our current sponsors! If you're interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact us!