Get Involved

Walk/Bike Nashville's work would not be possible without the help of our community supporters, volunteers and board members.  Here are three easy ways to join the movement!

Stay Up To Date

Make sure you stay up to date by following us on twitterfacebook or instagram and signing up for our newsletter.

Become a Member

Since 1998, Walk/Bike Nashville has sought to make active transportation an option for Nashvillians, no matter where they live or where they’re trying to go.  Nashville has made great progress, but we still have a far way to go.  We can’t do it alone – we depend on our area pedestrians and bicyclists like you to continue our work and help spread our mission.  Join Walk/Bike Nashville today to help us build a more walkable, bikeable, and liveable Nashville. For more information, click here.


Once you have a better sense of what we do, consider getting more involved by volunteering, or becoming a Walk Bike Ambassador or Instructor.

Around Town

Let your voice be heard! One of the best things we can do to support pro-walking and biking policies is to show up. Here are a couple of ways to share your voice with our city officials:

  • Mayor's Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) -- The Mayor's BPAC meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month. Check our events calendar for the latest date/time. The meetings are open to the public so feel to swing by yourself!
  • Metro Budget -- Bike/ped funding is largely determined by our city's budgeting process. Learn more about our current budget here and be sure to attend the city council's budget hearings each May-June.
  • Neighborhood Association -- Are you involved in your neighborhood association? They are fantastic way to build local connections, and support efforts to advocate for bike lanes, sidewalks, and traffic calming.
  • Monthly Advocacy Meetings -- we host Advocacy Meetings, open to the pubic, every month. Check out our events calendar to see when the next one is scheduled.
  • If you have additional questions about our city's transportation infrastructure, contact us!


Our work is dependent on the generous support of the Nashville community, so please consider making a donation here to help us continue our efforts!