Walk Bike Nashville is excited to be collaborating with Metro Public Works for Slow Streets Spring 2021. What initially started as a pandemic program to allow more space for Nashville residents to socially distance has become one of our most popular and inexpensive programs.

Tell us how you're using Slow Streets: Slow Streets Feedback Form 

Similar to the last round, the applications are resident-led. Streets and neighborhoods were selected based on neighborhood support, geographic location, street traffic data, and other criteria. Metro Public Works has the final decision on the site of the Slow Streets and installation of soft closures.

Announcing the Spring 2021 Sites

11th Avenue North

Flintlock Ct Wingate East Edgefield Highland Heights
Cherokee Park Spring Valley Lane Chapel and Sharpe Grace Street Meadows Of Seven Point
Greymont Drive West Crieve Hall Harborwood Drive East Holly LuAnn Drive & Roundwood Forest

Check out the map here: Slow Streets Spring 2021 Map

Metro Public Works will begin the installation of the soft closures the week of April 19th and will pick them up on May 17th. 

What are Slow Streets? 

A “slow street” or “soft road closure” is a street where thru traffic is discouraged by placing barricades and signage at the outer limits and entry points of a portion of the road. Local traffic, including delivery trucks, transit service, and service trucks, are still permitted to use the street. On-street parking is maintained. Streets are simply closed to cut-through traffic.

What are the benefits?

By placing “road closed to thru traffic” (or similar) signage and barricades in one lane of traffic, drivers who do not live on the street or have a business on the street are reminded not to use it. In many instances, this signage also reminds drivers that this street is a priority street for pedestrian and bicycle activity, and drivers should proceed with caution.

In the bigger picture, this initiative reinforces that streets should be safe and comfortable for all users—pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, automobile drivers. (1) 

News Coverage of Slow Streets Spring 2021

News Channel 5 Coverage with resident Kerry from North Nashville News Channel 5 coverage with resident Ingrid from East Nashville


Read about Slow Streets 2020 and local coverage

 Check out the Slow Streets 2020 Study Watch local coverage of Slow Streets 2020

Tell us what you think about the Slow Street Program

Feedback form here: https://forms.gle/rsNLwoXdt9pY8Vkq7 

 1) https://hub.nashville.gov/s/article/What-is-a-Slow-Street-and-why-is-Nashville-doing-this?language=en_US