Pedestrian memorials commemorate those we lost too soon.

Pedestrian deaths have been rising steadily since 2013, with record-breaking years in 2017, 2018, and in 2019 with 32 deaths. In 2020, we are yet again on pace to increase the number of pedestrian deaths from the previous year. This traffic epidemic needs to stop, and there are concrete ways in which our city can stop these deaths from occurring. 

Our roadways are designed for speed, and we want to call attention to the need for rapid implementation of speed management solutions, such as lower speed limits, automated enforcement, and designing streets to manage speeds. Dangerous speeds, when coupled with distracted or drunk driving are particularly deadly. We all deserve safe streets -- streets that protect all of Nashville's road users. 

What can be done about it?

That being said, our local Families for Safe Streets Nashville Chapter has decided to create and install pedestrian memorials in each location in which a pedestrian has died in 2020. These memorials are designed to both honor the victim and to raise awareness to car drivers about the pedestrian fatality epidemic. 

Get in touch.

If you knew a pedestrian that has died while walking in Nashville and you'd like to have a pedestrian memorial installed in their memory, please contact [email protected]