We're throwing it back ahead of Saturday's 20th Annual Tour de Nash. And wow do we have a surprise for you. The 2007 Tour de Nash promo features Eddie George, a future mayor, and lots of Walk Bike friends. It's guaranteed to give you a laugh and maybe even some nostalgia. Give it a watch!

Of course, there's more to the TDN story than soundbites and celebrity. The first Tour de Nash was organized in 2004 to get bikers riding in the city and to celebrate Nashville's first bike lanes. Before then, people rarely biked in Nashville by choice and rode in outlying counties for fun. Glen Wanner, former WBN President and first Tour de Nash coordinator (pictured below), shared his reflections on our blog, including the origin story and what the event means for cycling in our city. 

See You Saturday!

We're excited for you to join in the fun of Tour de Nash this weekend. Want to ride? We have routes for all ages and abilities. Tomorrow is the last day to get your ticket and pickup your packet. Want to hang? We're having Open Streets at Tour de Nash for the first time and have activity ideas for you. Want to own some of this nostalgia? We'll have TDN t-shirts from previous years on sale for $5 and old jerseys on sale for $50. 

We've also got a great group of speakers to send riders off including...

Mayor Freddie O'Connell

Councilmember Rollin Horton

Jason Brooks, CEO of LDA Engineering

Brad Freeze, NDOT Deputy Director

Meredith Montgomery, WBN Executive Director

However you choose to participate, we're excited to see you!

Sponsor Shoutout

We want to thank all our sponsors, and especially title sponsor LDA Engineering, for making Tour de Nash possible. This is LDA's 4th year sponsoring the tour and we could not do it without their support. They're working hard to make Nashville more walkable, bikeable, and livable. You can read more about their efforts on our blog.