We've been following all the updates from the CDC and have made the difficult decision to postpone the Tour de Nash, and cancel Bike to Work Day, Bike to School Day and all our other events planned for March, April and early May. But don't worry - we are planning new ways to get you out walking and biking.

We'll be doing our very best to reschedule everything when the time is right. In the meantime we are cooking up (from our home offices) some virtual ways we can help you and your family keep walking and biking safely.
We'll be sharing information about everything from how to tune up your bike at home to where to go for a walk in the coming weeks. All of this is really stressful and what else can we do but keep walking and riding (while staying six feet away from others, of course).
Virtual Fix-a- Flat Clinic Next Week
Tune in next week via Facebook live as WBN staff demonstrate how to change a flat tube and tire on your bike. You can chime in virtually, ask questions and follow along. This handy skill could be useful during your next social distancing ride!
Thursday 3/26, 6pm, Visit our Facebook page to watch
Updated Schedule of Events
3/23 Tour Trainers - The Tour Trainers ride series is postponed. New dates will be announced when the new Tour de Nash date is announced.
4/2 Vision Zero Summit - Postponed, new date TBD
4/11 Adult Learn to Ride - Canceled
4/23 Regular Night Ride - Canceled
4/30 Maintenance Open House - Canceled
5/1 Bike to Work Day - Canceled
5/6 Bike to School Day - Canceled
5/9 Tour de Nash - Postponed, new date TBD.
*If you're already registered for the Tour de Nash, you may keep your registration for the new date or request a refund via Eventbrite.
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