Dear Walk Bike Nashville Family,
I wanted to share the news that this fall will be my last at Walk Bike Nashville. At the end of October, I will be moving to Denver with my partner, where I’ll be starting a graduate MPA program at the University of Colorado.
October will mark eight years for me at Walk Bike Nashville. When I started in 2013, I was one of two people working part-time out of RPM’s basement on Music Row. I could not have imagined how much Walk Bike Nashville would grow, how many amazing people I would get to meet, and how much we’d be able to accomplish together to make our streets better for those on two feet or two wheels.
I am so proud of all that we have been able to do to make our streets safer and better for people walking and bicycling. We have helped pass landmark sidewalk legislation. We have seen the installation of Nashville’s first protected bike lanes and then seen the number of protected bike lanes grow across the city. We have fought hard for funding for sidewalks, transit, and bike lanes. We have seen the revival and growth of the traffic calming program. We have seen the speed limit in many residential streets reduced. We have seen the launch and growth of the Safe Routes to Schools program and walked with hundreds of families on Walk to School Day. We have helped create an adult education program and helped many people ride for the very first time. We have brought attention and focus to the devastation of pedestrian crashes -- and seen the launch of the Nashville Vision Zero plan and the Nashville Families for Safe Streets Chapter. We have seen the installation of many crosswalks, sidewalks, pedestrian signals -- and I know there are many more in the pipeline. And just this month, we have seen the formation of the long-awaited Transportation Department.
None of this would have been possible without all of the people working for better streets across Nashville.
It is because of the strong support of the Walk Bike Nashville community and our dedicated team of staff, board members, Advisory Council, and volunteers that I feel so confident passing on the reins to the next era of Walk Bike Nashville. I am SO excited for the direction that Jess, Lindsey, Brenda, Ashleigh, Cathy and David are taking Walk Bike Nashville, and I am SO excited to see what they accomplish over the coming years.
The week of August 16th-20th will be our Annual Membership Campaign. I hope you will show your support for the team by becoming a member, or renewing. We will then have a Membership Party / My Farewell Party on Sunday September 19th. I look forward to seeing all of our members and sponsors then!
Our Board of Directors has formed a search committee and will be working with a consultant to hire my replacement. You can see the job posting and instructions to apply here. Please help us share with anyone you think might be interested!
Thank you all for sharing your support, interest, enthusiasm and passion for walking and biking with me and with Walk Bike Nashville over the last eight years. I hope to see you at the Membership Party and at Open Streets on Buchanan Street before I move West.
Nora Kern
Executive Director
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