The Nashville Department of Transportation (NDOT) and the Mayor's Office are soliciting applications for a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission, or BPAC. Metro Council initiated the BPAC in August 2023 by adopting ordinance BL2023-1882.
The application closes at 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 5, 2024. Metro would like to hold the first BPAC meeting in spring 2024.
The commission will meet monthly and focus on all things related to walking and biking. Lived experience is expertise—if you care about walking and biking in Nashville, you are qualified to apply!
Per the bill, these are the topics they’ll focus on:
1. Promotion of bicycling and walking to the mayor, council, and departments.
2. Promotion of the WalknBike Strategic Plan and bicycle, greenway and pedestrian infrastructure projects to the mayor and council.
3. Promotion of the integration of bicycling, shared mobility devices, and walking in the metropolitan government’s planning, design, and development of transportation facilities including bikeways and greenways.
4. Promotion of the integration of bicycling, shared mobility devices, and walking in the metropolitan government’s planning process and implementation of community plans, including feedback on specific plan zoning requests as they relate to walking and biking.
5. Coordination with the Vision Zero Advisory Committee, Traffic and Parking Commission, and other relevant committees, including appointing a member to serve as liaison to these bodies.
6. Working with local businesses, governmental agencies, and community organizations to encourage bicycling and walking and promote community investment in bicycle racks, signage, markings and other facilities and programs.
7. Working with the metropolitan government, board of education, and community groups to foster programs to educate all age groups on safe bicycling and walking skills.
8. Developing and distributing informational, educational, and promotional materials for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.
9. Providing guidance and serving as a resource to the department of transportation and multimodal infrastructure, department of parks and recreation and the planning department in developing long-range plans to encourage increased micromobility, bicycling, and walking.
10. Build a more inclusive bicycling community by representing the needs of the diverse population of bicyclists in the city.
11. Provide guidance to the mayor, council, and departments on the implementation of bike share systems and shared micromobility programs.
If you have questions, please contact Metro boards and commissions lead Kathy Floyd-Buggs or NDOT's Walking and Biking Manager, Anna Dearman.
The application is available at this link. (If this link does not work, delete text that appears after "apply/" in the URL.)
The full text of the bill follows:
An ordinance creating Chapter 2.153 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws establishing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission.
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County (the “Metropolitan Government”) is committed to increasing the safety and use of bicycle, micromobility devices, and pedestrian travel as significant and beneficial modes of transportation and recreation; and
WHEREAS, an advisory commission for the Metropolitan Government that promotes and encourages safe bicycling and walking would further Nashville’s goal of becoming a bicycle and pedestrian friendly city; and
WHEREAS, Nashville should strive to make significant strides in bicycling to become one of the most Bicycle Friendly Cities in the country; and
WHEREAS, the continuing development of the built infrastructure provides an opportunity for extending and improving the walkability and bikeability of Nashville with more and better bike lanes, bikeways, and greenways; and
WHEREAS, Nashville is committed to a Vision Zero initiative improving the utilization rate of multi-modal transportation that will contribute to increasing safety for all road users; and
WHEREAS, the availability of shared micromobility alternatives including bicycles, electric bicycles, and electric scooters should be encouraged and promoted in Nashville and Davidson County.
Section 1. That Chapter 2.153 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws is established as follows:
2.153.010 - Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission
2.153.010 Establishment.
There is hereby created and established a bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission.
2.153.020 Membership - Appointment, compensation and term of office.
A. The bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission shall be composed of thirteen voting members. Eleven members shall be appointed by the mayor with special consideration given to the following categories for committee membership: non-profit community groups advocating for biking and walking; students or faculty members from a local high schools or universities; local organizations that represent disabled persons; transportation planning, policy, or design professionals; senior citizen advocacy organizations such as the AARP and Fifty-Forward; local bicycle clubs; walking, running, or hiking clubs; urban planning or multi-modal transportation support organizations; parks or greenways friends groups; and individuals who are interested in biking and walking. One member shall be appointed by the vice-mayor. One member shall be elected by the council. All appointments must be confirmed by a majority of the membership to which the council is entitled. All members shall serve without compensation. The membership of the commission shall reflect the diversity of citizens of Nashville and Davidson County. The chair shall be appointed by the mayor from the voting membership. The chair shall serve for one year.
B. In addition to these members, the following department representatives shall serve as ex officio members of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission: the mayor, the director of the metropolitan health department, the director of the parks and recreation department, the director of the department of transportation and multimodal infrastructure, the chief of the metropolitan police department, the superintendent of metropolitan public schools, the director of the metropolitan planning department, and the director of WeGo. Ex officio members are permitted to appoint a designee to serve in their stead. Ex officio members shall have no vote and shall not be counted in determining a quorum. Ex officio members will attend all meetings and provide program updates and support to the commission as needed and requested.
C. Members of the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission shall serve for a term of four years; provided, however, that the initial members shall be appointed for staggered terms of two, three, and four years dating from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. Members shall continue in office until the expiration of the term for which they were appointed or until such time as they are reappointed, or their successors are appointed. A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as a regular appointment and the person appointed shall serve the remainder of the term. The commission may determine a position is vacant based upon failure to attend two consecutive meetings.
2.153.030 Duties and Purpose.
The duties and purpose of the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission shall be to advise the mayor, the council, and relevant departments and to provide written formal recommendations when necessary, regarding the following goals and actions:
1. Promotion of bicycling and walking to the mayor, council, and departments.
2. Promotion of the WalknBike Strategic Plan and bicycle, greenway and pedestrian infrastructure projects to the mayor and council.
3. Promotion of the integration of bicycling, shared mobility devices, and walking in the metropolitan government’s planning, design, and development of transportation facilities including bikeways and greenways.
4. Promotion of the integration of bicycling, shared mobility devices, and walking in the metropolitan government’s planning process and implementation of community plans, including feedback on specific plan zoning requests as they relate to walking and biking.
5. Coordination with the Vision Zero Advisory Committee, Traffic and Parking Commission, and other relevant committees, including appointing a member to serve as liaison to these bodies.
6. Working with local businesses, governmental agencies, and community organizations to encourage bicycling and walking and promote community investment in bicycle racks, signage, markings and other facilities and programs.
7. Working with the metropolitan government, board of education, and community groups to foster programs to educate all age groups on safe bicycling and walking skills.
8. Developing and distributing informational, educational, and promotional materials for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.
9. Providing guidance and serving as a resource to the department of transportation and multimodal infrastructure, department of parks and recreation and the planning department in developing long-range plans to encourage increased micromobility, bicycling, and walking.
10. Build a more inclusive bicycling community by representing the needs of the diverse population of bicyclists in the city.
11. Provide guidance to the mayor, council, and departments on the implementation of bike share systems and shared micromobility programs.
2.153.040 Meetings.
A. The bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission shall hold regular monthly meetings, but in no event shall the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission meet less than ten times per year. The regular meetings shall be held at a date, time, and place to be determined by the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission. Special meetings may be called by the chair. All meetings will be publicly noticed at least two weeks in advance. Agendas, meeting minutes, and any relevant documents shall be made available on the metropolitan government web site.
B. The bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission shall report quarterly to the transportation and infrastructure committee and the public facilities, arts, and culture committee of the council as needed and requested. Such a report may be in writing or by appearance.
C. No later than December 31 of each year, the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission shall submit to the council and the mayor a report detailing the activities of the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission during that year, including a report on improvements and remaining needs in the bicycling and walking infrastructure.
D. The commission shall, to the extent possible, hear from members of the public at called meetings.
2.153.050 Departmental cooperation and staffing.
A. Departments, boards, and commissions of the metropolitan government shall work cooperatively with the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission in conducting these requirements and shall provide assistance as requested by the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission.
B. The department of transportation and multimodal infrastructure shall provide day to day staffing and assistance to the commission as it may require.
Section 2. This ordinance will take effect immediately after its final passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Agenda Analysis
This ordinance creates a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission, who will advise the mayor, council, and relevant Metropolitan departments and provide written formal recommendations when necessary. This will be a thirteen-member commission. Eleven members will be appointed by the mayor, one member will be appointed by the vice mayor, and one member will be elected by the council. All appointments must be confirmed by a majority of the membership to which the council is entitled. All members serve without compensation. The membership of the commission must reflect the diversity of the citizens of Nashville and Davidson County. The mayor will select the chair from the voting membership of the committee and the chair will serve for one year.
The eleven members appointed by the mayor would be recommended to be selected from the following categories:
• Non-profit community groups advocating biking and walking;
• Students or faculty members from a local university;
• Local organizations that represents disabled persons;
• Transportation planning, policy, or design professionals;
• Senior citizen advocacy organizations such as AARP or Fifty-Forward;
• Local bicycle clubs;
• Walking, running, or hiking clubs;
• Urban planning or multi-modal transportation support organizations;
• Parks or greenways friends groups; and
• Individuals who are interested in biking and walking.
In addition to the thirteen voting members, the mayor, the director of the metro health department, the director of the parks department, the director of the department of transportation and multimodal infrastructure, the chief of the metropolitan police department, the superintendent of metro public schools, the director of the metro planning department, and the director of WeGo would serve as ex officio members. Ex officio members have no vote and do not count toward quorum.
Members of the committee will serve staggered four-year terms. A position on the committee will be deemed vacant based upon failure to attend two consecutive meetings.
• The duties and purpose of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission is to advise the mayor, council, and relevant departments and to provide formal recommendations related to the following:
• Promotion of bicycling and walking to the mayor, council, and departments.
• Promotion of the WalknBike Strategic Plan and bicycle, greenway and pedestrian infrastructure projects to the mayor and council.
• Promotion of the integration of bicycling, shared mobility devices, and walking in the metropolitan government’s planning, design, and development of transportation facilities including bikeways and greenways.
• Promotion of the integration of bicycling, shared mobility devices, and walking in the metropolitan government’s planning process and implementation of community plans, including feedback on specific plan zoning requests as they relate to walking and biking.
• Coordinate with the Vision Zero Advisory Committee, Traffic and Parking Commission, and other relevant committees, including appointing a member to serve as liaison to these bodies.
• Working with local businesses, governmental agencies, and community organizations to encourage bicycling and walking and promote community investment in bicycle racks, signage, markings and other facilities and programs.
• Working with the metropolitan government, board of education, and community groups to foster programs to educate all age groups on safe bicycling and walking skills.
• Developing and distributing informational, educational, and promotional materials for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.
• Providing guidance and serving as a resource to the department of transportation and multimodal infrastructure, department of parks and recreation and the planning department in developing long-range plans to encourage increased micromobility, bicycling, and walking.
• Build a more inclusive bicycling community by representing the needs of the diverse population of bicyclists in the city.
• Provide guidance to the mayor, council, and departments on the implementation of bike share systems and shared micromobility programs.
The commission will hold regular monthly meetings and meet no less than ten times per year. Special meetings can be called by the chair. Meetings must be publicly noticed at least two weeks in advance and all relevant documents must be made available on
The commission will report quarterly to the council’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Public Facilities, Arts, and Culture Committee, as needed and requested. The report may be by writing or by appearance. The commission will also submit an annual report to the council and mayor on the activities of the commission during that year, including a report on improvements and remaining needs in the bicycling and walking infrastructure. The commission will also hear from members of the public at called meetings to the extent possible.
Departments will work cooperatively with the commission in meeting these requirements and provide assistance as required. The Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure will provide day to day staffing and assistance to the commission as it may require.
Fiscal Note: The thirteen voting members of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission will serve without receiving compensation from Metro.
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