Candidate Questionnaire
Before the general election, we sent a questionnaire to candidates to share their stances on their walk, bike, and livability stances. All campaigns were contacted multiple times, and all responses we've received for candidates in the runoff are posted here. If you are part of a campaign and still would like to submit a response, email [email protected].
Mayoral Candidates
Freddie O'Connell |
Alice RolliNo response |
Metro Council At-Large Candidates
Metro Council District Candidates
Some council districts have changed with redistricting. Confirm your council district here.
(I) = Incumbent
*Has not responded to Walk Bike Nashville questionnaire
Mayoral Forum
Walk Bike Nashville co-hosted a mayoral forum on June 7 with Civic Design Center, Neighbor 2 Neighbor, Urban Housing Solutions, and Transit Alliance. The forum was focused on the intersection of transportation, housing, and public participation. You can watch a full recording here.
More information, including how to find your polling place, council district, and more, can be found on the election commission website.
Other Election Guides
Nashville Banner Election Guide
Connect Mid-TN Candidate Questionnaire
Other Links
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