493_instagram.jpgThe Sidewalk Bill (2016-493) is before Metro Council for second reading and public hearing on Tuesday April 4th at 6:30pm. If you support increasing the requirements for the provision of sidewalks during development in our urban areas we hope you will contact your Council Member and join us at the public hearing.

How You Can Help

            1. Email Metro Council at [email protected]

            2. Email YOUR Council member to thank them for co-sponsoring or ask them to co-sponsor (see list below of co-sponsors and find your council member here)
            3. Join us on April 4th at 6:30pm (RSVP HERE)

            4. Spread the word!

Template Email to Council

Send an email to Metro Nashville Council at: [email protected]

Dear Councilmembers,

I am writing to ask you to support council bill 2016-493, which would change requirements for the provision of sidewalks during development in our urban areas and along transit corridors. 

Nashville desperately needs more sidewalks. According to the WalkNBike Plan only 37% of streets currently have pedestrian accommodations. 

Insert personal comments on why walking and/or sidewalks are important to you. If you like any points of the bill feel free to include those as well.

Thank you for your consideration.

Your Name

Your Mailing Address


 Council Co-Sponsors as of March 30th

6th Brett Withers
7th Anthony Davis
8th Nancy VanReece
14th Kevin Rhoten
15th Jeff Syracuse
17th Colby Sledge
18th Burkley Allen
19th Freddie O'Connell
20th Mary Carolyn Roberts
22nd Sheri Weiner
24th Kathleen Murphy
25th Russ Pulley
26th Jeremy Elrod
28th Tanaka Vercher
29th Karen Johnson
31st Fabien Bedne
32nd Jacobia Dowell
34th Angie Henderson
35th Dave Rosenberg
At-Large Bob Mendes
At-Large Sharon Hurt
At-Large Jim Shulman

Latest Draft Map of Applicability
